Single and final proof of self loading pistols and revolversįinal black powder proof for single and double barrel muzzle loading shotguns. Single and final proof of non self loading rifles Re-inforced voluntary proof, requested by proof applicant. Before proof the gun must have passed black powder proof and have stamp 1,2,3 and 5.įinal and single black powder proof of double muzzleloading shotgunsįinal and single black powder proof of single barrel smothbored breechloading guns.įinal black powder proof for double barrel breech loading rifles.įinal black powder proof for single barrel breech loading rifles. Re-inforced smokeless proof for breech loading shotguns. Before proof the gun must have passed black powder proof and have stamp 1,2,3 and 5. Guns must have 1 and 2 as well.įinal black powder proof of breech loading shotguns with more than two locking lugs.įinal smokeless proof for breech loading shotguns. Final proof together with 1 and 2įinal proof of breech loading shotguns with lever underneath the forend. Provisional black powder proof for barrels.īreech loading under lever shotgun. As a result of the Brussel convention 1914 Spain entered a compulsory proof 1923. The first proof houses appeared in 1844 in Eibar, but the proof then was voluntary basis. Spanish proof might go as far back as to 16th century. Please - no questions about your old guns